click here for details            Acuvue Oasys Astigmatism
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 8.6
diameter 14.5
Sph Cyl Axis
+0.25 to +6.00 in 0.25 steps -.75, -1.25, -1.75, -2.25, -2.75 full circle 10º steps
Pl  to -6.00 in 0.25 steps -.75, -1.25, -1.75, -2.25, -2.75 full circle 10º steps
-6.50  to -9.00 in 0.50 steps -.75, -1.25, -1.75, -2.25, -2.75 full circle 10º steps
qty 6 pack
Mode DW (2 Week) EW (6 nights)
Replacement 2 Weeks (DW) 6 days (EW)
Material Senofilcon A 38% H2O
Group Silicone hydrogel non ionic
Man. Process Cast mold
Dk 103× 10-9(cm/sec)・(mLO2/(mL × mmHg)) Dk/t = 129.3  @ -3.00D
ct 0.08 mm @ -3.00D
Tint blue visibility
Modulus 0.72, 6 and 12 o'clock scribes, "1,2,3" lens orientation marks. 4 zone blink (lid pressure)
stabilization rather than prism balast. Class 1 UV block. TRIS derivative with incorporated PVP.
Approved for use as a therapeutic bandage lens.