Ciloxan Ointment  (U.S.N.L.M.)
Dosing/ Corneal Ulcer  1/2" ribbon qhs to supplement daytime drop therapy
Dosing/ Conjunctivitis 1/2" ribbon tid x 2 days, then bid x 5 days
Chem Specs ciprofloxacin HCL 0.3%
Quantities 3.5 gram
Cost 277.77
Class second generation fluoroquinolone
Action Binds bacterial DNA gyrase
Activity Active against broad spectrum of gram positive and negative organisms.
Usage Indicated for the treatment of corneal ulcers and conjunctivitis.
Effective against Pseudomonas.
Increasing gram-positive resistance found in bacterial keratitis.
Up to 85% resistance for coagulase-negative Staphyloccus.
Contraindications Quinolone hypersensitivity
Pediatric use Safety and effectiveness below the age of two years have not been established.
Pregnancy There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women.
Rat and rabbit studies have not produced teratogenicity.
    N.L.M. DailyMed page for Ciloxan Ointment         PDR page for Ciloxan Ointment