Dailies AquaComfort Plus
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 8.7mm
diameter 14.0mm
powers -0.50 to -15.00D,  +0.50 to +8.00D 0.50 steps over ±6.00
qty 30, 90 pack
Mode DW
Replacement Daily
Material Nelfilcon A 69%H2O
Group II, high water, nonionic
Man. Process proprietary cast mold
Dk 26
ct 0.10mm @-3.00
OZ 7.1 to 8.1 mm
Tint Blue visibility
Discontinued February 2024
Modulus = 1.01MPa. Acrylate-modified polyvinyl alcohol (PVA).    Packaging solution contains
wetting agents hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and polyethylene
glycol (PEG). Free PVA eluded from the lens said to help stablize tear film.