click here for details     INFUSE® ONEday for Astigmatism
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 8.6 mm
diameter 14.5 mm
sph powers +4.00 to -8.00D 0.50D steps over -6.00
cyl details
Cyl Axis
           Pl to -6.00           
0.25 steps
-.75,-1.25, -1.75
-2.25  and  -2.75
         Full 10 to 180 in 10° steps
   10°, 20°,   70° to 110°, and 160° to 180° in 10° steps   
-6.50 to -8.00
0.50 steps
-.75,-1.25, -1.75
            10°, 20°,    70° to 110°,  and  160° to 180°
+0.25 to +4.00
0.25 steps
-.75,-1.25, -1.75
            10°, 20°,    70° to 110°,  and  160° to 180°
qty 90 pack
Mode DW
Replacement 1 day
Material kalifilcon A 55% H2O
Group 5-B, high water, non ionic silicone hydrogel
Man. Process cast mold
Dk 107  Dk/t = 107 @ -3.00D 
ct 0.1mm @ -3.00D
Tint Lt blue visibility
Modulus = 0.5MPa.    6 o'clock marker.  Axis stabilized.   Spherical aberration control in both primary
axes. DMA, PVP in a long/short chain siloxane matrix for desirable hydrogel-like hydration
kinetics.    Surfactant moisturizers Poloxamine 1107 and Poloxamer 181.  Infused
osmoprotecting ingredients Erythritol and Glycerin. Class 2 UV blocking.