click here for details     Revive Custom Soft Lenses
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 6.5 mm to 9.7 mm 0.1 mm steps
Diameter 10.0 mm to 16.0 mm
Powers +30.00D to -30.00D
Cyl Powers -0.50D to -10.00D 0.25 steps
Adds +0.50D to +3.00D 0.25 steps
Qty 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6pk
Mode DW
Replacement Quarterly (typical) but OD determined
Material hioxifilcon D 54% H2O
higher water, nonionic
Man. Process Lathe Cut
DK 21
CT 0.10mm @ -3.00D sphere
Tint visibility blue
Modulus = 0.36 MPa. Available as sphere, toric, multifocal and multifocal toric.
Dual thin zone toric stabilization. Multifocal near zones: 1.8 mm to 3.0 mm
Combines aquired Alden toric and Unilens multifocal technologies.