click here for details            Serenity™
Property ValueNotes
Base Curves 8.4mm
diameter 14.2mm
powers  +0.25 to +8.00D,  -0.25 to -12.00D     0.50 steps over ±6.00 
qty 6 pack
Mode DW
Replacement Monthly
Material Fanfilcon A silicone hydrogel
Group 5, high water, nonionic   55% H2O  
Man. Process Cast Mold
Dk 90 Dk/t (@ -3.00D) = 110
ct 0.08 @ -300
Tint Visibility
Modulus = 0.6MPa,  Front aspheric, UV blocker (Class 1).
Same as Avaira Vitality (U.S.A.). Previously packaged as "Sapphire".
Sold as Aquaclear 110 and Sofmed Breathables Advanced.