Ryzumvi  (U.S.N.L.M.)
Dosing Over age 12:  1 or 2 drops in each dilated eye.
Age 3 to 11:  1 drop in each dilated eye.
Chem Specs phentolamine 0.75% ophthalmic solution
Quantities 30 single use vials per box (8 drops / vial)
Cost $295.00 + cold shipping fee
Class relatively non-selective alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist
Action Reversibly binds to alpha-1 receptors of the iris dilator muscle
Usage Indicated for the reversal of pharmacologically-induced mydriasis of adrenergic
agonists (e.g., phenylephrine) or parasympatholytic (e.g., tropicamide) agents.
Not recommended when active ocular inflammation (e.g. iritis) is present
because adhesions (synechiae) may form between the iris and the lens.
Contraindications None
Pediatric use Safety and efficacy not established in pediatric patients below the age of 3.
Pregnancy There are no available data with Ryzumvi administration in pregnant women to inform
a drug-associated risk. Skeletal immaturity in rats at 24x the normal human dose.
Store refrigerated at 2°c to 8°C (36°F to 46°F). May be held at 68°F to 77°F for
14 days after opening. Remove contact lenses prior to use; reinsert 10 minutes
following administration.
    N.L.M. DailyMed page for Ryzumvi          PDR page for Ryzumvi