Metrofocal,   Metrofocal Toric
Lens Base Curve Diameter Sph Pwr Cyl Add
Metrofocal 8.1 to 8.9mm 14.0, 14.2mm +12.00 to -12.00D single add
"to 2.50"
Metrofocal Toric 8.1 to 8.9mm 14.0, 14.2mm +10.00 to -10.00D
div 2 above 4.00D
-.75 to -8.00D (5º full)
div 2 above -3.00D
single add
"to 2.50"
Qty Single vial and 4 pack
Mode Daily wear
Replacement Quarterly or yearly
Material polymacon or definitive 38% H2O polymacon
74% H2O definitive
Group 1,   low water - non ionic
Man. Process lathe cut
DK 8.4 (polymacon) 60 (definitive)
CT Varies @ -3.00
OZ Varies with power and diameter
Tint Visibility blue or clear
Back surface toric. Front aspheric bifocal, center distance.