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Vertex Power

For spectacle Rx at 12mm

Rx - +
4.00 -3.87 +4.25
4.25 -4.00 +4.50
4.50 -4.25 +4.75
4.75 -4.50 +5.00
5.00 -4.75 +5.25
5.25 5.00 +5.62
5.50 -5.12 +5.87
5.75 -5.37 +6.12
6.00 -5.62 +6.50
6.25 -5.75 +6.75
6.50 -6.00 +7.00
6.75 -6.25 +7.37
7.00 -6.50 +7.62
7.25 -6.62 +8.00
7.50 -6.87 +8.25
7.75 -7.12 +8.50
8.00 -7.25 +8.87
8.25 -7.50 +9.12
8.50 -7.75 +9.50
8.75 -8.00 +9.75
9.00 -8.12 +10.12
9.25 -8.37 +10.37
9.50 -8.50 +10.75
9.75 -8.75 +11.00
10.00 -8.87 +11.37
10.25 -9.12 +11.75
10.50 -9.37 +12.00
10.75 -9.50 +12.37
11.00 -9.75 +12.75
11.25 -9.87 +13.00
11.50 -10.12 +13.50
11.75 -10.25 +13.75
12.00 -10.50 +14.00
12.25 -10.62 +14.37
12.50 -10.87 +14.75
12.75 11.12 +15.00
13.00 -11.25 +15.50
13.25 -11.50 +15.75
13.50 -11.62 +16.12
13.75 -11.87 +16.50
14.00 -12.00 +16.75
14.25 -12.12 +17.25
14.50 -12.37 +17.50
14.75 -12.50 +18.00
15.00 -12.75 +18.25
15.25 -12.87 +18.75
15.50 -13.00 +19.00
15.75 -13.25 +19.37
16.00 -13.50 +19.75
16.25 -13.62 +20.25
16.50 -13.75 +20.50
16.75 -14.00 +21.00
17.00 -14.12 +21.50
17.25 -14.25 +21.75
17.50 -14.50 +22.25
17.75 -14.62 +22.50
18.00 -14.75 +23.00
18.25 -15.00 +23.50
18.50 -15.12 +23.75
18.75 -15.25 +24.25
19.00 -15.50 +24.75
20.00 -16.00 +26.00

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